Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30

Today we had D.A.R.E. and Health again. In D.A.R.E. the fifth graders learned about peer pressure. They learned that peer pressure can be negative or positive and they practiced ways of resisting negative peer pressure. In Health the fourth graders wrapped up their unit on Nutrition.
They talked about questions they still have about Nutrition and found out that there is a lot of complicated chemistry involved in understanding about what makes food healthy or unhealthy!

In library we started our project on Connecticut History and it was really interesting!

After lunch we were all surprised by a fire drill! It was a little chilly outside but once the wind died down we enjoyed the sunshine and the extra fresh air.

In class today we decided that we should do a living history museum to show off what we've been learning about in history. We're going to do it with Miss Cross's class! We're going to start work on it now but we won't finish it until after break.

We have two questions today:
Why does a butterfly fly?
What's your favorite state?

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