Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27

Today we had an ID assembly. Gabrielle and Maia did a great job of leading it! They also both read the introductions to their research papers to get students interested in their topics. Zoe-Kaye played the piano while she sang, and the rest of the class got the whole assembly clapping to the tune! Sejal provided the finale to the assembly, with her piano playing.

Right after the assembly we went to the book fair and had fun browsing around. We bought some great books that we're looking forward to reading (some of us already started reading them).

We also did pretzels at the end of the day, as we usually do on Fridays. Ms. Domina forgot that the bag of pretzels was running low so we had a lot more broken pretzels than usual, but it was okay.

Another special event that occurred today was that it was Hat Day! People wore some crazy hats!

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