Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29

We have been busy preparing our classroom for our Living History museum! Everything needs to be set up for tomorrow afternoon so we've been devoting a lot of time to creating our displays.

Nevertheless, we've also been making time for some poetry writing, examining ways to organize and analyze data, and learning about scientific experiments in the science lab.

We've been busy but we're having fun!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thursday, April 23

Today was a half day, although it seemed like a full day. We had a lot of time for projects. We had a medium--hard obstacle course in gym. While some of us went to band, the rest stayed in class and were creative poets. They got to experiment with magnetic poetry.

Who are your favorite poets?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 22

This morning we had a sub for half the day while Ms. Domina was learning about technology in the computer lab.
Today we worked on our living history museum! A lot of kids got started making their backdrops. Some kids made artifacts, such as whips and cotton plants, a sandstone slab, a newspaper, a headdress, and cloth bracelets.
A few kids in our class got to help paint the mural in the Science Lab.
Today is Earth Day. Our question for the day is:
What can you do to save the Earth?